We appreciate your support and hope you will all renew your membership or join LLA this year.  Your membership helps fund the upkeep of the islands, the repair of the loon nest platforms, the testing of water quality, and the monitoring and controlling of invasive species.  These are just a few of the many things our association does.  A dues envelope is enclosed and is due before August 1, 2024. Please note you can also pay your dues at the upcoming Welcome Back to Paradise event at Boone’s Long Lake Inn on June 3, 2024 starting at 5:00 PM. Thank you for supporting Long, Mickey, and Ruth Lakes.  Have a wonderful summer!

Volunteers & Board Members Always Needed

LLA is always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in running for a board position, please contact one of the existing board members. In addition to directors, the LLA Board will need a Board Treasurer and a Board Secretary in the new term.  The nomination committee will need to know your interest by the discussion meeting in June.


Membership is open to anyone interested in protecting, preserving and continually improving Long, Mickey, and Ruth Lakes for current and future generations.
We encourage you to join today!

To become a member and pay your membership dues click the appropriate blue button.  You can either pay by mail or pay online for $45.

If you choose to mail, print the completed form and mail with your check to the address below:

Long Lake Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 257
Interlochen, Michigan 49643-0257


  • Voting privileges for active members for election of the Board of Directors and on matters that come before the membership at the annual meeting or any special meeting
  • Participate with the LLA in it’s endeavor to maintain the lakes in their pristine condition
  • Join with other LLA Members as the Association interacts in fiscal, economic and civil matters such as taxation, zoning, developments affecting property rights, pending legislation, law enforcement, etc.
  • Keeps property values up


Occasionally we have the need to communicate with you and would like your permission to send you emails.  We don’t share your email with third parties.  Although infrequent it is helpful to let you know timely items that are happening with the Long Lake Membership and happenings on the the lake such as:

  • Eurasian Watermilfoil Treatment Dates
  • Welcome Back and Annual Meeting Dates
  • Fireworks on Long Lake
  • Water Safety Issues
  • Invasive Species Notification
  • Fishing and Wildlife Issues

ENews Sign Up Form

* indicates required